Common Research Facilities
Medical Institute of Bioregulation, Kyushu University
3-1-1 Maidashi, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka 812-8582, JAPAN
TEL +81-92-642-6814
FAX +81-92-642-6246
2024.05.28 (Tue) 16:00~17:00 MIB Seminar
Title:A long non-coding enhancerRNA forms Triple-strand genome structure, R-loops, to shape emotional experience-induced behavioral adaptation
Speaker:Assistant Prof. Makoto Taniguchi (Department of Neuroscience, Medical University of South Carolina)
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2024.04.08 (Mon) News
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2024.04.01 (Mon) News
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Publications (Significant Paper)
2024.06.20 NEW
Plasma cell differentiation is regulated by the expression of histone variant H3.3. Nature Commun. 【Division of Immunology and Genome Biology】【Division of Transcriptomics】
2024.05.16 NEW
Hepatocytes differentiate into intestinal epithelial cells through a hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal cell state in culture. Nature Commun. 【Division of Organogenesis and Regeneration】
2024.05.08 NEW
Precise immunofluorescence canceling for highly multiplexed imaging to capture specific cell states. Nature Commun. 【Division of Transcriptomics】
Combined and differential roles of ADD domains of DNMT3A and DNMT3L on DNA methylation landscapes in mouse germ cells. Nature Commun. 【Sasaki Laboratory (Epigenomics and Development)】
H3K4me1 facilitates promoter-enhancer interactions and gene activation during embryonic stem cell differentiation. Molecular Cell 【Sasaki Laboratory (Epigenomics and Development)】
2024.03.16 Nature Commun. 【Division of Trans-Scale Structural Life Science】
The complex etiology of autism spectrum disorder due to missense mutations of CHD8. Mol. Psychiatry 【Division of Cell Biology】