


 8-オキソグアニン(8-oxoG)はほ乳動物の自然突然変異と発がんの原因であるが、MTH1(8-oxo-dGTPase)とOGG1(8-oxoG DNA glycosylase)はそのゲノム蓄積を抑制し、MUTYH(adenine DNA glycosylase)はゲノムに蓄積した8-oxoGに誤って取り込まれたアデニンを除去することで、突然変異と発がんを抑制する。8-oxoGは細胞死も誘導するが、MTH1とOGG1はそのゲノム蓄積を回避することで細胞死を抑制する。一方、MUTYHは8-oxoGに対合したアデニンの除去修復を介して細胞死を誘導する。そのため、酸化ストレスに曝された神経組織では、MUTYHに依存して神経細胞死とミクログリオーシスが誘導され、神経変性が進行する。

 ゲノムへの8-oxoGの蓄積を防ぐMTH1と8-oxoG DNAグリコシラーゼ(OGG1)の両者を欠損するTO-DKOマウスと野生型マウスの詳細な解析から、MTH1とOGG1が欠損すると野生型マウスと比べて雌マウスにおいてのみ海馬と側脳室下帯の神経前駆細胞の核ゲノムに8-oxoGが蓄積し、新生神経細胞がアポトーシスに陥ることを発見した。側脳室下帯で生まれた新生神経細胞は脳内を移動して自発運動を抑制する脳の特定部位(大カレハ島)へ供給されるが、TO-DKO雌マウスではこの大カレハ島が顕著に萎縮し、自発運動量が高いレベルのまま維持されていた。また、TO-DKO雌マウスでは海馬歯状回も萎縮し、軽度の認知機能障害が認められた。一方、ヒトMTH1を雌マウスで高発現させると、8-oxoGの蓄積が抑制されて活動量が低下することから、ヌクレオチドプール中のdGTPが酸化されて生じた8-oxo-dGTPが神経前駆細胞のゲノムに取り込まれ、アポトーシスを引き起こすことが明らかになった。これらの結果は、雌マウスの神経前駆細胞にはそのヌクレオチドプール中のdGTPが酸化されやすい細胞内環境、すなわち雌特異的な活性酸素生成系が存在することを示している。このような活性酸素生成系の存在が、女性が男性よりもアルツハイマー病を発症しやすい理由かもしれない。しかし、そのような環境下でもMTH1とOGG1が神経前駆細胞のゲノムに8-oxoGが高度に蓄積するのを抑えることで正常な脳機能が維持されていることが明らかになった。




【Major Publications】

1. Anene-Nzelu CG, Li PY, Luu TDA, Ng SL, Tiang Z, Pan B, Tan WLW, Ackers-Johnson M, Chen CK, Lim YP, Qin RWM, Chua WW, Yi LX, Foo RS, Nakabeppu Y. 8-Oxoguanine DNA Glycosylase (OGG1) Deficiency Exacerbates Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2022: 9180267, 2022.

2. Mizuno, Y., Abolhassani, N., Mazzei, G., Sakumi, K., Saito, T., Saido, T.C., Ninomiya, T., Iwaki, T., Yamasaki, R., Kira, J.-i., and Nakabeppu, Y. MUTYH Actively Contributes to Microglial Activation and Impaired Neurogenesis in the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease. Oxid Med Cell Longev 2021, 8635088, 2021.

3. Mizuno, Y., Abolhassani, N., Mazzei, G., Saito, T., Saido, T.C., Yamasaki, R., Kira, J.I., and Nakabeppu, Y. Deficiency of MTH1 and/or OGG1 increases the accumulation of 8-oxoguanine in the brain of the App(NL-G-F/NL-G-F) knock-in mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, accompanied by accelerated microgliosis and reduced anxiety-like behavior. Neurosci Res 177: 118-134, 2021.

4. Mazzei, G., Ikegami, R., Abolhassani, N., Haruyama, N., Sakumi, K., Saito, T., Saido, T.C., and Nakabeppu, Y. A high-fat diet exacerbates the Alzheimer's disease pathology in the hippocampus of the App(NL-F/NL-F) knock-in mouse model. Aging Cell 20: e13429, 2021.

5. Nakamura, T., Okabe, K., Hirayama, S., Chirifu, M., Ikemizu, S., Morioka, H., Nakabeppu, Y., and Yamagata, Y. Structure of the mammalian adenine DNA glycosylase MUTYH: insights into the base excision repair pathway and cancer. Nucleic Acids Res 49: 7154-7163, 2021.

6. MTH1 and OGG1 maintain a low level of 8-oxoguanine in Alzheimer's brain, and prevent the progression of Alzheimer's pathogenesis. Oka S, Leon J, Sakumi K, Abolhassani N, Sheng Z, Tsuchimoto D, LaFerla FM, Nakabeppu Y. Sci Rep 11:5819, 2021.

7. Neural stem cell-specific ITPA deficiency causes neural depolarization and epilepsy. Koga Y, Tsuchimoto D, Hayashi Y, Abolhassani N, Yoneshima Y, Sakumi K, Nakanishi H, Toyokuni S, Nakabeppu Y. JCI Insight 5:e140229, 2020.

8. 8-Oxoguanine accumulation in aged female brain impairs neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus and major island of Calleja, causing sexually dimorphic phenotypes. Haruyama, N., Sakumi, K., Katogi, A., Tsuchimoto, D., De Luca, G., Bignami, M., and Nakabeppu, Y. Prog Neurobiol 180:101613, 2019.

9. Origins of Brain Insulin and Its Function. In Diabetes Mellitus, A rist factor for Alzheimmer's disease. Nakabeppu, Y. (Nakabeppu, Y., and Ninomiya, T., eds), Springer, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1128: 1-11,2019.

10. Molecular Pathophysiology of Insulin Depletion, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, and Oxidative Stress in Alzheimer's Disease Brain. In Diabetes Mellitus, A risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. Nakabeppu, Y. (Nakabeppu, Y., and Ninomiya, T., eds), Springer, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1128: 27-44, 2019.

11. MTH1 as a nucleotide pool sanitizing enzyme: Friend or foe? Nakabeppu, Y., Ohta, E., and Abolhassani, N. Free Radic Biol Med 107: 151-158, 2017.

12. Neurodegeneration Caused by Accumulation of an Oxidized Base Lesion, 8-oxoguanine, in Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNA: From Animal Models to Human Diseases. In The Base Excision Repair Pathway – Molecular Mechanisms and Role in Disease Development and Therapeutic Design. Nakabeppu, Y. (Wilson III, D. M., ed), World Scientific, 523-556, 2017.

13. Comparative profiling of cortical gene expression in Alzheimer's disease patients and mouse models demonstrates a link between amyloidosis and neuroinflammation. Castillo, E., Leon, J., Mazzei, G., Abolhassani, N., Haruyama, N., Saito, T., Saido, T., Hokama, M., Iwaki, T., Ohara, T., Ninomiya, T., Kiyohara, Y., Sakumi, K., LaFerla, F. M., and Nakabeppu, Y. Sci Rep 7: 17762, 2017.

14. 2-Oxoadenosine induces cytotoxicity through intracellular accumulation of 2-oxo-ATP and depletion of ATP but not via the p38 MAPK pathway. Asada, S., Ohta, E., Akimoto, Y., Abolhassani, N., Tsuchimoto, D., and Nakabeppu, Y. Sci Rep 7: 6528, 2017.

15. Molecular pathophysiology of impaired glucose metabolism, mitochondrial dysfunction, and oxidative DNA damage in Alzheimer's disease brain. Abolhassani, N., Leon, J., Sheng, Z., Oka, S., Hamasaki, H., Iwaki, T., and Nakabeppu, Y. Mech Ageing Dev 161: 95-104, 2017.

16. Deoxyinosine triphosphate induces MLH1/PMS2- and p53-dependent cell growth arrest and DNA instability in mammalian cells. Yoneshima, Y., Abolhassani, N., Iyama, T., Sakumi, K., Shiomi, N., Mori, M., Shiomi, T., Noda, T., Tsuchimoto, D., and Nakabeppu, Y. Sci Rep 6: 32849, 2016.

17. PKCeta deficiency improves lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Torisu, K., Zhang, X., Nonaka, M., Kaji, T., Tsuchimoto, D., Kajitani, K., Sakumi, K., Torisu, T., Chida, K., Sueishi, K., Kubo, M., Hata, J., Kitazono, T., Kiyohara, Y., and Nakabeppu, Y. Genes Cells 21: 1030-1048, 2016.

18. Deficiency of base excision repair enzyme NEIL3 drives increased predisposition to autoimmunity. Massaad, M. J., Zhou, J., Tsuchimoto, D., Chou, J., Jabara, H., Janssen, E., Glauzy, S., Olson, B. G., Morbach, H., Ohsumi, T. K., Schmitz, K., Kyriacos, M., Kane, J., Torisu, K., Nakabeppu, Y., Notarangelo, L. D., Chouery, E., Megarbane, A., Kang, P. B., Al-Idrissi, E., Aldhekri, H., Meffre, E., Mizui, M., Tsokos, G. C., Manis, J. P., Al-Herz, W., Wallace, S. S., and Geha, R. S. J Clin Invest 126: 4219-4236, 2016.

19. 8-Oxoguanine accumulation in mitochondrial DNA causes mitochondrial dysfunction and impairs neuritogenesis in cultured adult mouse cortical neurons under oxidative conditions. Leon, J., Sakumi, K., Castillo, E., Sheng, Z., Oka, S., and Nakabeppu, Y. Sci Rep 6: 22086, 2016.

20. Galectin-1 deficiency improves axonal swelling of motor neurones in SOD1(G93A) transgenic mice. Kobayakawa, Y., Sakumi, K., Kajitani, K., Kadoya, T., Horie, H., Kira, J., and Nakabeppu, Y. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 41: 227-244, 2015.

21. Altered Expression of Diabetes-Related Genes in Alzheimer's Disease Brains: The Hisayama Study. Hokama M, Oka S, Leon J, Ninomiya T, Honda H, Sasaki K, Iwaki T, Ohara T, Sasaki T, LaFerla FM, Kiyohara Y, Nakabeppu Y. Cereb Cortex 24: 2476-2488. 2014.

22. MUTYH, an adenine DNA glycosylase, mediates p53 tumor suppression via PARP-dependent cell death. Oka S, Leon J, Tsuchimoto D, Sakumi K, Nakabeppu Y. Oncogenesis 3: e121, 2014.

23. Fosb gene products contribute to excitotoxic microglial activation by regulating the expression of complement C5a receptors in microglia. Nomaru H, Sakumi K, Katogi A, Ohnishi YN, Kajitani K, Tsuchimoto D, Nestler EJ, Nakabeppu Y. Glia 62: 1284-1298, 2014.

24. fosB-Null Mice Display Impaired Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Spontaneous Epilepsy with Depressive Behavior. Yutsudo N, Kamada T, Kajitani K, Nomaru H, Katogi A, Ohnishi YH, Ohnishi YN, Takase K, Sakumi K, Shigeto H, Nakabeppu Y. Neuropsychopharmacology 38: 895-906, 2013.

25. 8-Oxoguanine causes neurodegeneration during MUTYH-mediated DNA base excision repair. Sheng Z, Oka S, Tsuchimoto D, Abolhassani N, Nomaru H, Sakumi K, Yamada H, Nakabeppu Y. J Clin Invest 122: 4344-4361. 2012.

26. MutT homolog-1 attenuates oxidative DNA damage and delays photoreceptor cell death in inherited retinal degeneration. Murakami Y, Ikeda Y, Yoshida N, Notomi S, Hisatomi T, Oka S, De Luca G, Yonemitsu Y, Bignami M, Nakabeppu Y, Ishibashi T. Am J Pathol 181: 1378-1386, 2012.

27. FosB is essential for the enhancement of stress tolerance and antagonizes locomotor sensitization by ΔFosB. Ohnishi YN, Ohnishi YH, Hokama M, Nomaru H, Yamazaki K, Tominaga Y, Sakumi K, Nestler EJ, Nakabeppu Y. Biol Psychiatry 70: 487-495, 2011.

28. NUDT16 is a (deoxy)inosine diphosphatase, and its deficiency induces accumulation of single-strand breaks in nuclear DNA and growth arrest. Iyama T, Abolhassani N, Tsuchimoto D, Nonaka M, Nakabeppu Y. Nucleic Acids Res 38: 4834-43, 2010.

29. NUDT16 and ITPA play a dual protective role in maintaining chromosome stability and cell growth by eliminating dIDP/IDP and dITP/ITP from nucleotide pools in mammals. Abolhassani N, Iyama T, Tsuchimoto D, Sakumi K, Ohno M, Behmanesh M, Nakabeppu Y. Nucleic Acids Res 38: 2891-903, 2010.

30. ITPase-deficient mice show growth retardation and die before weaning. Behmanesh M, Sakumi K, Abolhassani N, Toyokuni S, Oka S, Ohnishi YN, Tsuchimoto D, Nakabeppu Y. Cell Death Differ 16: 1315-4322, 2009.

26. Two distinct pathways of cell death triggered by oxidative damage to nuclear and mitochondrial DNAs. Oka S, Ohno M, Tsuchimoto D, Sakumi K, Furuichi M, Nakabeppu Y. EMBO J 27: 421-432, 2008.

31. Oxidation of mitochondrial deoxynucleotide pools by exposure to sodium nitroprusside induces cell death. Ichikawa J, Tsuchimoto D, Oka S, Ohno M, Furuichi M, Sakumi K, Nakabeppu Y. DNA Repair 7: 418-30, 2008.

32. A genome-wide distribution of 8-oxoguanine correlates with the preferred regions for recombination and single nucleotide polymorphism in the human genome. Ohno M, Miura T, Furuichi M, Tominaga Y, Tsuchimoto D, Sakumi K, Nakabeppu Y. Genome Res 16: 567-75, 2006.

33. MTH1, an oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphatase, protects the dopamine neurons from oxidative damage in nucleic acids caused by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine. Yamaguchi H, Kajitani K, Dan Y, Furuichi M, Ohno M, Sakumi K, Kang D, Nakabeppu Y. Cell Death Differ 13: 551-63, 2006.

34. MTH1, an oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphatase, suppresses the accumulation of oxidative damage of nucleic acids in the hippocampal microglia during kainate-induced excitotoxicity. Kajitani K, Yamaguchi H, Dan Y, Furuichi M, Kang D, Nakabeppu Y. J Neurosci 26: 1688-1698, 2006.

35. Up-regulation of hMUTYH, a DNA repair enzyme, in the mitochondria of substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease. Arai T, Fukae J, Hatano T, Kubo S, Ohtsubo T, Nakabeppu Y, Mori H, Mizuno Y, Hattori N. Acta Neuropathol 112: 139-45, 2006.

36. Growth retardation and dyslymphopoiesis accompanied by G2/M arrest in APEX2-null mice. Ide Y, Tsuchimoto D, Tominaga Y, Nakashima M, Watanabe T, Sakumi K, Ohno M, Nakabeppu Y. Blood 104: 4097-4103, 2004.

37. An oxidized purine nucleoside triphosphatase, MTH1, suppresses cell death caused by oxidative stress. Yoshimura D, Sakumi K, Ohno M, Sakai Y, Furuichi M, Iwai S, Nakabeppu Y. J Biol Chem 278: 37965-37973, 2003.

38. A molecular basis for the selective recognition of 2-hydroxy-dATP and 8-oxo-dGTP by human MTH1. Sakai Y, Furuichi M, Takahashi M, Mishima M, Iwai S, Shirakawa M, Nakabeppu Y. J Biol Chem 277:8579-8587, 2002.

39. Impairment of mitochondrial DNA repair enzymes against accumulation of 8-oxo-guanine in the spinal motor neurons of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Kikuchi H, Furuta A, Nishioka K, Suzuki SO, Nakabeppu Y, Iwaki T. Acta Neuropathol 103: 408-14, 2002.

40. Expression of 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase is reduced and associated with neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's disease brain. Iida T, Furuta A, Nishioka K, Nakabeppu Y, Iwaki T. Acta Neuropathologica 103: 20-25, 2002.

41. Expression of hMTH1 in the hippocampi of control and Alzheimer's disease. Furuta A, Iida T, Nakabeppu Y, Iwaki T. Neuroreport 12: 2895-9, 2001.

42. Accumulation of 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine and increased expression of hMTH1 protein in brain tumors. Iida T, Furuta A, Kawashima M, Nishida J, Nakabeppu Y, Iwaki T. Neuro Oncol 3: 73-81, 2001.

43. Increased 8-oxo-dGTPase in the mitochondria of substantia nigral neurons in Parkinson's disease.Shimura-Miura H, Hattori N, Kang D, Miyako K, Nakabeppu Y, Mizuno Y. Ann Neurol 46: 920-4, 1999.